Oraclefolkstalk: Basics of Explain plan.: Explain Plan As a developer, the execution plan is probably the best tool at your disposal to discover why a query performs the way it d...
28 Oct 2015
22 Oct 2015
Basics of Explain plan.
Explain Plan
As a developer,
the execution plan is probably the best tool at your disposal to discover why a
query performs the way it does and, if necessary, figure out what
you can do about its performance. A 2011 Oracle white paper called Explain
the Explain Plan, which is available on the OTN, So, how do you obtain
the execution plan?
If you happen to
work with Oracle SQL Developer you can simply press F10 to see
the execution plan of the query selected. It does not get much easier than
that. Similarly, you can executeEXPLAIN PLAN FOR your_query; and
then run
'plan_table' -- default plan table name
, NULL -- NULL to show last statement
inserted into plan table
, 'all' -- show all available metrics
What you end up
with is a tabular representation of the execution plan; the table is a
top-down, left-to-right traversal of the execution tree. Each operation is
printed on a single line, together with more detailed information about that
operation. The sequence and types of operations depend on what the query
optimizer considers to be the best plan, that is the one with the lowest cost.
The components that are factored into the cost of a query are
Access methods
Join methods
Join types
Join orders
Partition pruning
Parallel execution
We shall now
discuss each of these components separately.
No, cardinality
has nothing to do with the clergy. What cardinality refers to is the uniqueness
(or lack thereof) of data in a particular column of a database table. It is a
measure of the number of distinct elements in a column. A low cardinality
implies that a column has very few distinct values, and is thus not very
In the context of
execution plans, the cardinality shows the number of rows estimated to come out
of each operation. The cardinality is computed from table and column
statistics, if available. [1] If not,
Oracle has to estimate the cardinality. For instance, suppose you have an
equality predicate in a single-table query, for which there is no histogram
(i.e. no statistics). The query optimizer will then assume a uniform
distribution, so that the cardinality of each operation in the execution plan
is calculated by dividing the total number of rows by the number of distinct
values after the equality predicate has been applied. The number of rounded up
and shown in the column CARDINALITY.
What can (negatively)
impact the accuracy of the estimate and therefore the quality of the execution
plan are i) data skew, ii) multiple single-column predicates on a single table,
iii) function-wrapped columns in WHERE clause
predicates, and iv) complex expressions.
Interestingly, you
can see runtime cardinality information by using the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS hint in your query, after which you have to
shows you the estimated number of rows (E-Rows) and the
actual number of rows (A-Rows), which can
of course be quite different because of data skew. Don’t use this hint in a
production environment as each query incurs some overhead.
The way in which
Oracle accesses data is aptly called an access method. Oracle has a bunch of
access methods in its arsenal:
A full table scan reads all rows
from a heap-organized table and filters out the ones that do not match the WHERE clause predicates. Each formatted block of data under the high
water mark (HWM) is read only once and the blocks are read in sequence. A
multi-block read can be performed to speed up the table scan: several adjacent
blocks are combined into a single I/O call. The DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter in
the init.ora file defines the number of blocks that can be lumped into one
multi-block read.
A full table scan is typically employed if
o no index
o the index
cannot be used because the query predicate has a function applied to an indexed
column (in a non-function-based index);
o the
optimizer decides against an index skip scan because the query predicate does
not include the leading edge of a (B-tree) index;
o SELECT COUNT(*) is issued and the index contains nulls;
o the table
statistics are stale and the table has grown considerably since the statistics
were last computed;
o the query is
not selective, so that a large portion of the rows must be accessed;
o the cost of
a full table scan is the lowest because the table is small, in particular the
number of formatted blocks under the high water mark is smaller than DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT;
o the table
has a high degree of parallelism, which makes the optimizer biased towards full
table scans;
o the query
uses the FULL hint.
In a table access by ROWID, Oracle
looks up each selected row of a heap-organized table based on its ROWID, which
specifies the data file, the data block within that file, and the location of
the row within that block. The ROWID is obtained either from the WHERE clause predicate or through an index scan. If the execution plan
means that Oracle retrieves a bunch of ROWIDs from the index and then tries to
access rows in block order to reduce the number of times each block needs to be
The SAMPLE and SAMPLE_BLOCK clauses (with a sample percentage below 100%)
cause a sample table scan, which fetches a random sample of data
from a heap-organized table. Note that block sampling is only possible during full
table scans or index fast scans.
For an index unique scan only one
row of a (B-tree) index or index-organized table will be returned because of an
equality predicate on a unique index or a primary key
constraint; the database stops looking for more rows once it has found its
match because there cannot be any more matches thanks to the UNIQUE constraint. Hence, all columns of a unique index
must be referenced with equality operators. Please observe the index itself
must be unique: creating an index on a column and subsequently adding a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint
to the table is not enough, as the index is not aware of uniqueness; you are
liable to end up with an index range scan.
An index range scan scans values
in order. By default, Oracle stores and scans indexes and index-organized
tables in ascending order. Oracle accesses adjacent index entries and uses the
ROWID values to retrieve the rows in ascending order. If multiple index entries
happen to have the same keys, Oracle returns the entries in ascending order by
The database chooses an index range scan if the leading columns of a non-unique index
are specified in the WHERE clause
or if the leading columns of a unique index have ranges rather
than single values specified. Oracle navigates from the root blocks to the
branch blocks where it reads the maximum values of the leading edge in the
index for each leaf block that the branch blocks refer to. Because the database
has no way of knowing in advance how many hits there are, it must visit each
relevant leaf block and read each one until it does not find any more matches.
The advantage of the index unique scan is that Oracle does not have to visit
the leaf blocks at all, because once it has found its match it is done. Not so
with the index range scan.
A common gripe with the index range scan is in combination with the
table access by ROWID method, especially if the index range scan includes
filter predicates instead of mere access predicates. Filter predicates in
conjunction with index range scans and tables access by ROWID can cause
scalability issues, as the entire leaf node chain has to be accessed, read, and
filtered. As more and more data is inserted, the time to access, read, and
filter the data increases too.
There is also an index
range scan descending, which is basically the same beast; the only
difference is that the rows are returned in descending order. The reason Oracle
scans the index in descending rather than ascending order is because either the
query has an ORDER BY ... DESCclause or
the predicates on a key with a value less than instead of equal to or greater
than a given value are specified. Another (obvious) cause is the INDEX_DESC hint.
If the entire index is read in order, then we are
dealing with a full index scan. A full index scan does not read
every block in the index though. Instead it reads the root block and goes down
the left-hand side (ascending scan) or right-hand side (descending scan) of the
branch blocks until it reaches a leaf block. From there it reads the index on a
block-by-block basis.
The full index scan is used when one of the following situations arises:
o a predicate
references a (non-leading) column in an index;
o no predicate
is specified but all columns in the table as well as query are in the index,
and at least one indexed column is not null;
o the query
has an ORDER BY clause on indexed non-null columns;
o the query
has a GROUP BY clause where all aggregation columns are
present in the index.
The query
optimizer estimates whether it is cheaper to scan the index (full index scan)
or table itself (full table scan); for index-organized tables the table and
index are of course one and the same.
A fast full index scan reads index
blocks as they exist on disk. The index (entries on the leaf blocks) rather
than the table is read in multi-block I/O mode.
Oracle looks at a this access path whenever a query only asks for
attributes in the index. It’s an alternative to a full table scan when the
index contains all columns needed for the query, and at least one column in the
index key has a not null constraint.
Because the index
is not read in order (because of the multi-block I/O), a sort operation cannot
be eliminated as with the full index scan.
For queries with predicates on all but the leading
column of a composite index, an index skip scan is a possibility.
The index skip scan is also an option if the leading column has few distinct
The optimizer
logically splits a composite index into smaller sub-indexes based on the number
of distinct values in the leading column(s) of the index. The lower the number
of distinct values, the fewer logical sub-indexes, and the more efficient the
scan is. Index blocks that do not meet the filter condition on the non-leading
column are immediately skipped, hence the name. An index skip scan can of
course only be efficient if the non-leading columns are highly selective.
An index join scan is performed if
all data can be retrieved from a combination of multiple indexes, which are
hash-joined on the ROWIDs. Because all data is available in the indexes, no
table access is needed.
An index join is
often more expensive than simply scanning the most selective index and
subsequently probing the table. It cannot be used to eliminate a sort
Whereas in traditional B-tree indexes each entry
point refers to exactly one row, a bitmap index’s entry points refer to
multiple rows. That is, each index key stores pointers to multiple rows. Each
bit corresponds to a possible ROWID; if the bit is set, then the row with the
corresponding ROWID contains the key’s value. The bit position is converted to
an actual ROWID by a mapping function. Internally, Oracle stores the bitmap
index in a B-tree structure for quick searching.
Bitmaps are frequently used in data warehousing (OLAP) environments,
where ad hoc queries are commonplace. Typically, a bitmap index is recommended
if the indexed columns have low cardinality and the indexed table is rarely
modified or even read-only. Bitmap indexes are not appropriate for OLTP
applications, though. If, for instance, the indexed column of a single row is
updated, the database locks the index key entry, which points to many rows.
Consequently, all these rows are locked.
Back to business.
If the predicate on a bitmap-indexed column contains an equality operator, the
query optimizer considers the bitmap index single value access
path to look up a single key value. A single bitmap is scanned for all
positions containing a value of 1. All
matching values are converted into ROWIDs, which in turn are used to find the
corresponding rows.
A B-tree index can have an index range scan for
ranges of values specified in the WHERE clause.
Its counterpart for bitmap indexes is the bitmap index range scan.
A bitmap merge is typically preferred
by the optimizer when bitmaps generated from a bitmap index range scan are
combined with an OR operation
between two bitmaps.
When a query accesses a table in an indexed
cluster, the optimizer mulls over a cluster scan. Tables in table
clusters have common columns and related data stored in the same
blocks. The proximity of the physical location of these shared columns reduces
disk I/O when joining clustered tables and accessing related data. Table
clusters are appropriate for tables that are rarely modified and do not require
full table scans as in the case of retrieval of a lot of rows.
An index cluster
is, as you might expect, a (B-tree) index on a cluster; the cluster index
associates the cluster key with the database block address of the block with
the relevant data. In a cluster scan, Oracle scans the index to obtain the
database block addresses of all rows required. Because the index cluster is a
separate entity, reading or storing rows in a table cluster requires at least
two I/Os: one (or more) to retrieve/store the key value from/in the index, and
one to read/write the row from/to the cluster.
If you create a table cluster with the HASHKEYS clause, you end up with a hash cluster. A
hash cluster is similar to an indexed cluster, only the index key is replaced
with a hash function. All rows with the same hash are stored in the same data
block. Because no separate cluster index exists as in the case with an indexed
cluster, I/O can be usually halved.
A hash
scan is used to locate rows based on a hash value of the key in a hash
cluster. A disadvantage of hash clusters is the absence of range scans on
cluster keys that are not in the index, in which case a full table scan must be
Join Methods
Join methods refer
to the way in which two row sources are joined with each other. The query
optimizer designates one table the outer table and the other the inner table.
If more than two tables need to be joined, the optimizer analyses all
permutations to determine the optimal join sequence.
The join method
dictates to a large degree the cost of joins:
A hash join is usually preferred
for (equi)joining large data sets. The query optimizer takes the smaller of two
data sources to build a (deterministic) hash table in memory. It then scans the
larger table and performs the same hashing on the join columns. For the
in-memory hash table, the database probes each value and if it matches the
predicate’s conditions returns the corresponding row.
If the smaller
data set fits in memory, there is only the cost of a single read pass over both
data sets. If the hash table does not fit in memory, then Oracle partitions it.
The join is then performed partition by partition, which uses a lot of sort area
memory and causes a lot of I/O to the temporary tablespace.
A nested loop join is typically
used when small subsets of tables are joined or if there is an efficient way of
accessing the inner table, for example with an index lookup. For every row
selected from the outer table, the database scans all rows of
the inner table. If there is an index on the inner table, then it can be used
to access the inner data by ROWID.
The database can read several rows from the outer row source in a batch,
which is typically part of an adaptive plan.
It is not uncommon to see two nested loops in the execution plan (as of
11g) because Oracle batches multiple I/O requests and process these with a
vector I/O, which means that a set of ROWIDs is sent to the requesting
operating system in an array. What Oracle does with two nested loops is
basically the following:
Iterate through the inner nested loop to obtain the
requested outer source rows.
Cache the data in the PGA.
Find the matching ROWID from the inner loop’s inner
row source.
Cache the data in the PGA.
Organize the ROWIDs for more efficient access in
the cache.
Iterate through the outer loop to retrieve the data
based on the cached ROWIDs; the result set of the inner loop becomes the outer
row source of the outer nested loop.
A sort-merge join is done when
join conditions are inequalities (i.e. not an equijoin). It is commonly chosen
if there is an index on one of the tables that eliminates a sort operation. The
sort operation on the first data set can be avoided if there is such an index.
The second data set will always be sorted, regardless of any indexes. It
generally performs better for large data sets than a nested loop join.
A sort-merge join proceeds in two steps:
1. Sort join: both tables are sorted on the join key. 1. Merge join:
sorted tables are merged.
Oracle accesses rows
in the PGA instead of the SGA with a sort-merge join, which reduces logical I/O
because it avoids repeated latching blocks in the database buffer cache; a latch protects shared data structures in the SGA from
simultaneous access.
Whenever a table has no join conditions to any of
the other tables in the statement, Oracle picks a Cartesian join,
which is nothing but a Cartesian product of the tables. Because the number of
rows of a Cartesian join of two tables is the product of the number of rows of
the tables involved, it is generally used only if the tables are small. This
join method is, however, very rare in production environments.
Partial join
evaluation is available from Oracle Database 12c onwards. It allows joined rows
that would otherwise have to be eliminated by a SORT UNIQUE operation to be removed during the execution
of the join an inner join or semi-join instead. This optimization affects DISTINCT, MIN(),MAX(), SUM(DISTINCT), AVG(DISTINCT), COUNT(DISTINCT) ,
branches of UNION, MINUS, and INTERSECToperators, [ NOT ] EXISTS subqueries,
and so on. For instance, a HASH JOIN > SORT UNIQUE is
replaced by a HASH JOIN SEMI > HASH UNIQUE combo.
Join Types
Join types are
easier to explain because they are determined by what you have typed. There are
four categories of join types: i) inner joins, ii) outer joins (left, right,
and full), iii) semi-joins, and iv) anti-joins. Even though semi-joins and
anti-joins are syntactically subqueries, the optimizer beats them until they
accept their fate as joins.
Semi-joins can
occur when the statement contains an IN or EXISTS clause that is not contained in an OR branch. Analogously, anti-joins are considered if the statement
contains a NOT IN orNOT EXISTS clause that is not contained in an OR branch. Moreover, an anti-join can be used the statement includes
an outer join and has IS NULL applied
to a join column.
Join Orders
So, how does
Oracle determine the order of joins? The short answer is cost. Cardinality
estimates and access paths largely determine the overall cost of joins:
Whenever a particular join results in at most one
row (e.g. because of UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEYconstraints) it goes first.
For outer joins, the row-preserving (outer) table
comes after the other tables to ensure that all rows that do not satisfy the
join condition can be added correctly.
When Oracle converts a subquery into an anti- or
semi-join, the subquery’s table(s) come after tables in the outer
(connected/correlated) query block. Hash anti-joins and semi-joins can
sometimes override the ordering though.
If view merging is impossible,
then all tables in the view are joined before joining the view to the tables
outside the view.
Partition pruning,
which is also known as partition elimination, is used for partitioned tables
when not all partitions need to be accessed.
Pruning is visible
in the execution plan as integers in the columns PSTART, the number of the first partition, and PSTOP, the number of the last partition to be accessed. [2] If you do
not see a number (e.g. KEY), don’t
worry! It means that Oracle was not able to determine the partition numbers at
parse time but thinks that dynamic pruning (i.e. during execution) is likely to
occur. This typically happens when there is an equality predicate on a
partitioning key that contains a function, or if there is a join condition on a
partitioning key column that, once joined with a partitioned table, is not
expected to join with all partitions because of a filter predicate.
hash-partitioned tables, there can only be pruning if the predicate on the
partition key column is an equality or IN-list
predicate. If the hash partition key involves more than one column, then all
these columns must appear in the predicate for partition pruning to be able to
Sometimes Oracle
executes statements in parallel, which can significantly improve the runtime
performance of a query. The query coordinator (QC) initiates the parallel
execution of a SQL statement. The parallel server processes (PSPs) are responsible for the actual work that
is done in parallel. The coordinator distributes the work to the PSPs, and may
have to do some of the work that cannot be done in parallel. A classic example
is the SUM(...) operation: the PSPs calculate the subtotals
but the coordinator has to add the subtotals from each PSP to obtain the final
All lines in the
execution plan above PX COORDINATOR are
taken care of by the query coordinator. Everything below is done by the PSPs.
A granule is the
smallest unit of work a PSP can perform. Each PSP works exclusively on its own
granule, and when it is done with the granule, it is given another one until
all granules have been processed. The degree of parallelism (DOP) is typically
much smaller than the total number of granules.
The most common
granules are block-based. For block-based granules, the PX BLOCK ITERATORiterates over all
generated block range granules. However, it is sometimes advantageous to make
use of pre-existing data structures, such as in the case of partitioned tables.
For partition-based granules, each PSP will do work for all data in a single
partition, which means that the number of sub-partitions that need to be
accessed is typically larger than or equal to the degree of parallelism. If there
is skew in the sizes of the (sub-)partitions, then the degree of parallelism is
generally smaller than the number of (sub-)partitions. Partition-based granules
show up in the execution plan asPX PARTITION. Whether
Oracle uses block-based or partition-based granules cannot be influenced.
PSPs work together
in pairs as producers and consumers (of rows). Producers are below the PX SENDoperation in the execution plan. The line PX RECEIVE identifies consumers who eventually send
their results to the query coordinator: PX SEND QC. Similar
information is shown in the column TQ (table
Occasionally data
needs to be redistributed, especially in joins, which is shown in the columnsIN-OUT and PQ Distrib (parallel
query distribution) of the execution plan. Producers scan the data sources and
apply WHERE clause predicates, after which they send the results to their
partner consumers who complete the join. IN-OUT shows
whether a parallel operation is followed by another parallel operation (P->P) or a serial operation (P->S). On the line with PX SEND QC you always encounter P->S, because the PSPs send their results to the QC,
which is a serial process. If you happen to see P->S below that line it means that there is a
serialization point. This may be due to not having set the parallel degree on
one or more objects in the query. The flag S->P often
indicates that there is a serial bottleneck because parallel
processes have to wait for the serial process to finish.
You may also
encounter PCWP and PCWC, or parallel combined with parent and parallel combined with child,
respectively. This means that a particular step is executed in parallel
including the parent or child step. An example is a parallel nested loop join,
for which each PSP scans the outer (driving) row source but does the index
lookups on the inner row source too. If such an operation carries the label BUFFER(ED), it tells you that Oracle needs to temporarily
hold data between parallel processes, because there is no (parent) PSP
available that can accept the data.
The last operation before PX SEND QC always
shows a buffered blocking operation.
If the amount of
data that needs to be buffered is larger than what can reasonably fit into
memory, the data needs to written to the temporary tablespace, after which the
PSPs have to re-read it. You will thus incur significant penalties for having
your queries executed in parallel.
There are several
methods that can show up in the column PQ Distrib of the
execution plan:
HASH: a hash
function is applied to the join columns, after which a particular consumer
receives the row source based on the hash value. This is by far the most common
distribution method.
BROADCAST: the rows
of the smaller of two data sources are sent to all consumers in order to
guarantee that the individual server processes are able to complete the join.
works on a specific data range because of parallel sort operations, so that the
coordinator merely has to present the PSPs’ results in the correct order
instead of a sort on the entire result set.
KEY: only one
side in a partial partition-wise join is redistributed.
ROUND ROBIN: rows are
distributed to PSPs one at a time in a circular fashion. This is either the
final redistribution operation before sending data to the requesting process,
or one of the earlier steps when no redistribution constraints are needed.
RANDOM: rows are
randomly assigned to PSPs.
PARTITION: partial
partition-wise join, for which the first row source is distributed in
accordance with the partitions of the second row source. By the way, a full
partition-wise join, that is for equi-partitioned row sources, does not require
On real
application cluster (RAC) databases the LOCAL suffix
indicates that rows are distributed to consumers on the same RAC node.
means that the plan may look like Oracle prefers a parallel execution of the
SQL statement but it doesn’t really; when push comes to shove, Oracle picks a
serial execution.
What is important
to understand is that each data flow operation (DFO) in the execution plan can
have its own degree of parallelism. The degree of parallelism for each DFO at
execution time may be quite different from the one determined by the optimizer
because of a downgrade in the degree of parallelism. Common
causes are that the amount of CPUs available at execution time is different
from what the optimizer assumed would be available, or that Oracle is unable to
use similar amounts of PGA memory for the SQL areas because only a specific
amount is allocated per PSP.
Even if at runtime
the degree of parallelism is as expected, the parallel execution can only be
efficient if the work is distributed evenly across the PSPs. During
development, the view v$pq_tqstatcan help you
with identifying skew across table queues. Data skew or unequal partitions are
the usual suspects, depending on the PX ITERATOR chosen
by the query optimizer. An insidious reason for distribution skew is the HASH distribution method. The hashes are sometimes not uniformly
distributed, generally because of an outer join for which all nulls are hashed
to the same value, which leads to some PSPs receiving a larger-than-average
share of data. As a consequence, the remainder of PSPs are idle most of the
default, Oracle determines all columns that need histograms based on usage
statistics and the presence of data skew. You can manually create histograms
a table has n partitions (range partition) and m sub-partitions
per partition, then the numbering is from 1 to n · m.
The absolute partition numbers are the actual physical segments.
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